My heart feels so greatly blessed to have had the opportunity to attend the "2015 Spirit of the UN Awards". Speakers and members shared their wisdom about the culture of Peace, collaboration, compassion and most essentially, that which is within us - Love. Later I started my Montessori Model UN training. One part of a mural by Jose Vela Zanetti stood out for me- the hands. The hands represent seeds of hope it reminds me of one of my favorite Montessori quotes: "The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field, in which seeds may be sown to grow under the heat of flaming imagination. Our aim therefore, is not merely to make the child understand and memorize facts but to touch his imagination and to interest the child to his innermost core.We do not want complacent pupils, but eager ones: we seek to sow life in the child rather than theories, to help the child grow mentally, socially, emotionally and physically." - Maria Montessori. May the spiritual values of love, compassion and peace touch the core of our hearts so that we can continue to work, live and play as one earth family. Aloha, Love, Amor...
AuthorWorking together with children, families, and educators to co-create a better world Archives
June 2022
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